BMW M4 is produced not only by Paragon models, but also GT Spirit has it in portfolio. Paragon models was the first player who offered M4 to collectors. I would not lie if I said I felt the urge to buy it. Unfortunately I was not entirely sure about the quality of the wheels - you know, the neverending Paragon wheels issue. Finally I let it go wishing there will be another piece of art that makes me buy in the future.
I must admit now, it was a good decision. GT Spirit announced its own BMW M4 Competition Package in yellow color (a bit different yellow from paragons yellow) with beautiful sports wheels. I could not resist and bought one to make my collection more colorful. 331 kW (444 hp), V6 and acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in 4 seconds - that is what you can find under the hood.
A sunny autumn morning not far from the center of Hradec Hralove in a location of congress center. A place where an industrial breeze of old concrete buildings is mixed with modern approach and new office centres. A perfect place to pose for one yellow BMW M4.